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Cold Weather

We would like to make the following reminders as winter weather is here:

  1. Please ensure that your child(ren) are dressed appropriately for the cold weather.   Winter coat, snow pants, toques, mitts, scarves, and snow boots make recess much more comfortable and enjoyable for students.  Please label all of your child(ren)'s items.
  2. Unless the temperature is –27°C (or colder) with or without the windchill, recess will be outdoors and we’ll maintain the usual entry times of 8:50 am and12:40 pm.  
  3. If the weather is colder than –27°C (or colder) with or without the windchill, the patrols will not be on duty and ask all students to cross with care & caution. 
  4. Please make sure your child(ren) do not arrive at school too early before school in the morning and at lunch on these cold days.  Child(ren) should not be arriving to the school earlier than 8:40 am and 12:35 pm. if they are not part of the lunch program.
  5. Child(ren) should enter their respective doors and remain in that area until 8:45 am .  If your child(ren) is not apart of the Lunch Program, please have them enter the front doors.  At 12:40 pm, child(ren) will then head to their classrooms.  They should not be going into their classroom earlier than this time.

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