Concert Band / Wind Ensemble / Jazz Band
Concert Choir / Chamber Choir
Dress code for choir performances is all black attire (black shirt, pants/dress/skirt) and back shoes! Please avoid any bright logos or colours on the clothing. For each rehearsal, students are expected to bring their music, a black binder, and a pencil!
- Concert Choir rehearsals are on Monday and Wednesday at 12:35pm.
- Chamber Choir rehearsals are on Tuesday and Thursday at 12:35pm.
Concert Band
The band program consists of wind, percussion, or string bass studies. The program is based on the study of a widely varied repertoire with a perspective of music history and an emphasis on individual performance ability. A theory-aural section is focused on the development of personal musicianship. Workshops, concerts, tours, exchanges, and festivals are an intrinsic part of the band program and group performances is emphasized. All students registered in the band program are also eligible to participate in the many extra-curricular music groups that may include drum line, jazz combo and other small group ensembles.
Wind Ensemble / Advanced Ensemble
The band elective is the Wind Ensemble which is the top performing band at Vincent Massey and is for students who wish a more challenging ensemble than regular band offers. Do not be fooled by the term Wind Ensemble as it is just a fancy name for a smaller, more select band and it does include percussion and string as well as all the regular band instruments. It is for students from grades 9—12 who are capable of meeting the challenge. The class is scheduled after school on Wednesday from 4:00 pm—6:00 pm, therefore it does not take up a slot in the regular timetable. If uncertain, still register for the course and attend the class for a trial period in September. The emphasis is on performing repertoire that is challenging and musically advanced.
Jazz Band
Jazz band is offered to students who are interested in learning to perform in the jazz idiom. Many different styles of jazz music will be explored, including swing, rock, funk, ballad, and Latin. No previous experience is necessary. Jazz is open to all interested individuals on traditional jazz band instruments and by special permission to those playing non-traditional jazz band instruments such as clarinet, flute, French horn, baritone, etc. As part of the class, there will be many performances both in Brandon and at various festivals to which the group will travel. Participation is an essential component of this course. Jazz band is offered in non-standard slots.
Contact Information:
Meaghan Graham