It is Brandon School Division policy that every effort will be made to include parents as partners in their child's education. Parents will be involved in schools in a meaningful and cooperative manner and treated as a key partner in the development of responsible, tolerant and creative citizens.
Parental cooperation with and participation within the school and community enhances everyone's involvement. How well a child does in school is greatly affected by the support the student receives at home and from the community, as well as the example set by the parents. Parents' Responsibilities:
- Provide a positive learning environment at home and encourage their child to do their homework and studies promptly and efficiently.
- Ensure that their student is attending school on time and is well prepared, rested, fed and properly dressed for the activities of the day.
- Encourage the child's successes and involvement at school and supervise and guide appropriate behaviour at home, en route to school and in school.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences, as well as open school meetings, and maintain close contact with the school about attendance, behaviour, progress and achievement. (All schools request parental information regarding days a child is away from school because of illness).
- Provide the classroom teacher(s) with relevant information about their child and his or her medical conditions as well as home-life issues and concerns.
- Show interest and be concerned about behaviour, progress, involvement and achievement of their child in school.
- Learn about education matters and stay informed about what is happening at the school through reading of monthly newsletters, notes from school, as well as visiting the school's website if a computer link is possible.
- Encourage, promote and become law-abiding, responsible community members and citizens.